One Day At a Time

September 26, 2013

Two days, two more beautiful sunrises.

Have to start getting up earlier and enjoying the dawn when we get back home!

Another temptation on the Camino, besides fretting each day about whether we'll find a place to sleep each night, is to look too many days into the future, over-planning where we'll be two days from now instead of living today.  Both temptations are forms of worrying.  And as was written some time ago in one of the albergue journals, "worrying is praying for what you don't want."

It's better to be open to surprises, like last night's albergue in Villalcazar.  We were the last two to get beds just before it was full (the dreaded word "completo").   It is run by a few Augustinian nuns, who sang a beautiful Vespers (evening prayer) service, got the people to participate in "un encuentro musical" and organized a communal dinner.

We've had our share of discomforts (Jeff blisters, sciatic pain and a cold, Anne a quick virus) but everything seems to be better the next morning.

Today's walk from Villalcazar to Calzadilla was mostly on a stretch of the original Roman Road, built two millennia ago.

About 7 miles of incredibly straight, flat and seemingly endless road - you could picture the chariots and legions efficiently crossing the newly-conquered land back in the time of the Caesars.  Endless - but weren't we asking for silence and quiet?  Even the air was quiet - the ubiquitous windmills were absent today.