During the last two days we walked from Sahagun to Burgo Ranero, and from there to Mansilla de Las Mulas. Rainy and dreary, on paths that pretty much looked like this, alongside relatively quiet country roads. Towns between were few.
Time to think, time to pray. Time to notice everything that hurts!
Speaking of praying, a couple from Canada gave us the idea of deciding each day which people in our life to pray for. So we've started that. It might be you (but we don't have enough days left here to pray for everybody)!
Rain prevented us from taking too many photos, but it always feels good to get to the next evening's town, dry off and relax.
(Olives eaten)
(Pilgrim dinner ordered)
Stopped in a little bar, Jeff got stung by a bee. Twice.
A kind man from Denmark gave us some antihistamine (Farmacias are closed Sundays).
Clouds over Mansilla de Las Mulas.