
September 23, 2013

In the Lord I'll be ever thankful,
In the Lord I will rejoice.
Turn to God, do not be afraid
Lift up your voices, The Lord is near.
Lift up your voices, The Lord is near.

This is the Taize (chant from a French ecumenical community) song that was playing in our heads as we walked out of Burgos yesterday morning.  It was part of the background music that was played in our albergue to gently wake us up in time for breakfast.

Thankful for Marie Phillipe, our hospitalera in that albergue, where we enjoyed quiet and peace right in the middle of the big city.

Thankful for a lovely group of people in that albergue.

Thankful for a (relatively) pain-free day of walking to Hornillos, followed by another day to Castrojeriz, where we are now.

Thankful for friends we thought we'd lost, that we meet again.

For the last couple of days we've been walking on the Meseta, which is a high, flat plateau with little shade.  A thankful attitude helps a lot these days - then we can notice the perfect silence (except for nature and us walking humans), the flatness (little climbing, for a while) and the fact that it's about 80 degrees, not 95!